Friday, August 25, 2017

Introduction to Myself as a Senior

 Personal photo of me in Norman Oklahoma in October 2016

Hi everyone! My name is Dhara Maisuria. I was born in New Jersey, but raised in Pryor, Oklahoma. I am a senior at The University of Oklahoma. I am majoring in Psychology/Pre-Dental with a Biology and Human Relations minor. I have a little sister and brother. My favorite thing to do when I feel overwhelmed, stressed, or just not having a good day is do yoga or pilates. My favorite color is red because it has many meanings like love, anger, passion, color of roses, etc. I love coffee. That being said, I also like to visit different cafes. One of my all time favorites is right here in Norman, Oklahoma—Cool Beans!

I hope to be a dentist one day. I love doing community work that serves to provide better health care to those in need, so I volunteer at OKmom once a year. OKmom is a big free clinic in one area where the dental community in Oklahoma comes together to treat those that cannot have proper dental care. I also plan to finally have the Dental Admissions Test score I want this year. Along with volunteering, I am also a Dental Assistant. My ultimate purpose in life is to serve others through dentistry. However, later on in life I would like to open up a coffee shop of my own while continuing my career.

I feel spending time with the people I care about is very important, so I go home every now and then during breaks to see my family, and drink our daily chai with them while talking about our lives. I enjoy shopping with my best friends. I also enjoy getting a cup of coffee in Oklahoma City with my mentor/friend. I like to try new places to eat with my boyfriend. My favorite place to eat is P.F. Chang's. I live off tofu, egg whites, and broccoli. I've recently found a passion for cooking! A fun fact, I'm vegetarian, but my chicken parmesan is one of my best dishes. A weird but unique thing about myself is that all of my fingers are not straight and bend. I'm pretty sure I'm double jointed, or something of that sort that causes all your fingers to bend. These are just a few little things about my life and myself. Anyways, feel free to ask me any questions. Happy blogging! 


  1. Hey Dhara, sounds like you are off to a great start for your senior year! I saw that you like to work for OKMOM. That is really awesome. I have a friend that is hoping to become a dentist as well and volunteer's for that organization also. Keep working for that DAT and I know you'll get the score you are hoping for! It sounds like after you have that you ought to get into a program with ease. I have to agree with you on P.F. Chang's as well, great place to hang out and have some good eats.

  2. Hi Dhara! It is so cool that you want to be a dentist. Your smile is a big part of your self-esteem and I love seeing so many people passionate about helping others. I love that you want to open up your own coffee shop one day, I also love coffee and honestly, there can never be too many coffee shops. As for the DAT, you can do it. Good luck with studying and your semester.

  3. It is always fun to meet people in class a second time, Dhara; it's so hard to form a mental picture of someone all at once, but in the second semester things come more into focus. And Sonali is also here from last semester, so you can both be not just the two Indian Epics experts but also the dental experts as well! I had my wisdom teeth out this summer, so I am even more in awe of what dentists are able to do: I thought it was going to be all traumatic and scary, but the oral surgeon was fantastic, and it turned out not to be such a big deal at all. Coffee: maybe you will want to do a coffee-inspired project for this class! Or you could imagine some kind of cafe (realistic or supernatural!) as a setting for a Storybook this time. Here is some coffee folklore from one of the Middle Eastern books I used for class: About Coffee. And here's a book of stories inspired by the famous Turkish coffee houses: Told in the Coffee House: Turkish Tales. It is one of the great beverages of the world after all! :-)

  4. Hi Dhara!

    We were in SAA together! It is good to see that you are in this class with me! I am excited to read what you write! I had no idea you were from Pyror, Oklahoma! I went there once for the Student Council State and I have a blast! I also love Coffee, and I have not heard of that cafe! I am going to have to go try it! When I do I will let you know, maybe we can go there and drink coffee and blog together!

  5. Hi Dhara,
    OKmom sounds awesome! It's great that you volunteer there! It also sounds like you have some great experience being a Dental Assistant! I'm sure you'll be a great dentist! And it's pretty cool that you want to own your own coffee shop too. Congrats on getting to senior year! Good luck on the Dental Admissions Test! Also, I really like your blog; it looks great!

  6. • Dharah, you sound like you are very busy in your senior year. Good luck on your Dental Admissions Test with volunteering and working I am sure you are going to get a great score! I had not heard of your volunteer OKmom, I will have to look it up. I am not a fan of drinking coffee but I love the smell of coffee. I love going into any coffee shops and studying just for the smell. Good luck on your classes this semester and getting into Dental School.

  7. Hi Dhara!
    Wow, I am impressed by how many majors and minors you have. That’s so cool that you do yoga and pilates, I have always wanted to try those as a method of relieving stress. My goal one day is to also open up a coffee shop once I settle into my career as a physician’s associate. Lol I’m definitely double jointed too, my fingers are mostly bent from getting them jammed while playing volleyball though.

  8. Hi Dhara!
    That's a lot of majors and minors, there is no way I could do what you are doing! I really can see the passion you have for helping people through dentistry just in your writing, and I think it is awesome that you want to do that! I love to cook too, but I have never tried making chicken parm actually! I think I will have to give it a shot sometime! It's funny that you say your fingers bend, because all of mine are straight except for one pinky that is just randomly crooked! Not only is it bent to the side but it is also really hard for me to straighten! I don't remember ever breaking it, but who knows! Good luck with dental school, I know you'll do great though!

  9. Hi Dhara! Hope the semester if going well for you! Also, I just want to say that you have an excellent blog. It is organized very nicely. Furthermore, I found your introduction very interesting. I am also a senior with hopes of entering the medical field so good luck! In addition, as someone who also participates in medical volunteering, I am very impressed that you're a dental assistant! Lastly, your final facts are really fun and unique!

  10. Hi Dhara!
    Holy cow that's a lot of majors and minors! I would be stressed 24/7 with that kind of class load and on top of being a dental assistant and volunteering. I'm jealous of how you're able to balance all that and still have time for your boyfriend and friends. I'm in the health field as well and trying to get into medical school. I'm having a hard time right now balancing everything with my MCAT, volunteering, shadowing, etc. You're a very talented individual!

  11. Dhara, I also love coffee!! <3 Cool Beans is great. I've had their iced vanilla lattes, and they have pumpkin spice all year. :'-D Opening your own coffee shop one day sounds like a lot of fun. Have you tried Grey Owl? It's pretty popular in Norman. Also, your goal of becoming a dentists to serve your community is so admirable. Looking forward to reading your stories!

  12. Hi Dhara!
    It's so cool that you have such a strong passion for your future and what all you want to accomplish. I love Cool Beans! And of course, coffee. I wasn't sure what OKmom was so I'm glad you explained it. That sounds like a wonderful thing and that's great that you volunteer for that! Good luck with the semester and your future goals.

  13. Hi Dhara! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate! No wonder you feel stressed sometimes. I’ve heard good things about yoga and pilates, but I’m too embarrassed to join a class. I hope your career plan works out for you! I’ve also recently gotten into cooking, but I’m not all that good yet. The last time I tried to make parmesan chicken, I burned the poo out of the breading. Who knew you had to thaw the chicken before breading it and throwing it in a pan? Lol

  14. Hi Dhara! It is great that you are so passionate for what you want to do and I love that you want to help the community. We need more people like you in our society indeed! I also love to do yoga because I love stretching and yoga also help me relax after a day of hard work. I also recently trying out to cook some dishes when I have free time and even though cooking is tiring sometimes, it is always worth it in the end for all the great foods! I hope you the best of luck to your future career as well as the rest of this semester. It is nice knowing you!

  15. Hi Dhara!
    I am going to have to try out that coffee place! That is one thing I don't do often, but I absolutely love cafes and coffee places. Also, I love the color red. It really is such a powerful color and I love that about it.
    That's awesome that you volunteer with OKmom! I have never heard of that program and it sounds amazing. I am sure it's very satisfying to use your skills and passions to help others until you make it through dent school.
    Best of luck to you!

  16. Hi Dhara!
    It’s great to meet you and I really like the design and structure of your blog. Also, I think it’s really cool that you incorporated a personal photo into your introduction. Congratulations on being a senior this year and I hope you reach all your goals in dentistry! I hope you have a great semester and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!

  17. Hi Dhara!

    My parents were born in New Jersey too, and they moved here before I was born. I really love it back up there in New England! Your major and minors are super impressive, and I think it’s great that you are so passionate about helping people! I’m looking forward to reading more of you stories throughout the rest of the semester!

  18. Hi Dhara!
    It's nice to meet you. I like how you set up your introduction; I feel like I just threw random information down on my website for mine. But with yours I feel like I actually got to know you a bit. To be honest, I can't imagine wanting to be a dentist because they scare me a little bit. I know it's silly but I hate going and always have to convince myself not to cancel my appointments. But I'm sure that you'll be an awesome dentist!

  19. Hi Dhara! I loved reading about your major and your passion for dentistry and the way that you want to help people through that! I also am a fellow coffee addict but I can't say that I have ever tried Cool Beans! I'll have to add that to the list of places that I need to hit up.

  20. Hi Dhara! So great to learn a little about you through this post! First of all, thank you for the new coffee shop recommendation — I love trying new places around Norman! And that's so neat that you want to open your own shop on day. I love hearing about your passions for your work and volunteering — OKmom sounds like an incredible opportunity. Good luck with the rest of your semester and your amazing goals!

  21. Hi Dhara! I hope your senior year is going well so far. I am also a senior and it feels weird to being close to finishing here at OU. My roommate is also wanting to be a dentist and I think it’s a great profession to go into. Good luck with the rest of this semester as well as the next one.

  22. Hello Dhara!
    That is a pretty interesting combinations of majors. It seems you know what you want out of life and are on the road to getting there. Coffee is life for me as I hardly sleep between working full time and going to school. Volunteer work is a great way to give back to the community. Not everyone can afford the care they need and what you do is something special. There are a lot of good vegan places to try in OKC, you also might want to try Ethiopian food, it is delicious and a good place is Queen of Sheeba.

  23. Hello Dhara!
    I love how you combined Psychology and pre-Dental as majors. That is a bit of an unusual combination, but I would imagine that it will come in handy in the work force. I like how you described you favorite color. You linked emotions to it. If you do decide to open a coffee shop, what do you think you would name it? I like coffee shops that have puns in the name like Central Perk from FRIENDS. Have a great week!

  24. Hey there Dhara, your major sounds really cool but also a lot of work. Congrats on making it to senior year though! I think its really great that you care so much for people and I hope that you get your dream job and are able to help as many people as you can. The world really needs more people like you! Thanks for sharing your introduction and good luck with the rest of your year!

  25. Hey Dhara! It's so cool you were born in New Jersey. I'm actually born and raised in New York, which is pretty close by. Being a biology major is tough; my sister is one at OU as well, so I can kind of understand the requirements you've had to complete. Congrats on getting through it, though, and being a senior! I hope your senior year is going well, and that finals are great for you!

  26. Hi Dhara! I think it's great that you are already so involved in your future career area. It must feel good to already know that you enjoy working in the area you intend to go into! Your motivations for becoming a dentist are lovely to hear, and I think that coffee shop is a really great idea! I haven't tried Cool Beans yet, but I'll have to check it out some time. Best of luck with finals!

  27. Hello Dhara!

    It's great to finally meet you! You sound like such a calm and put together person. Can you please be my dentist someday?? I feel like you'd be great at it! That cafe you mentioned was your favorite has the cutest name! I'll have to drag my boyfriend along with me to it sometime! I'm so glad you get to go home and spend time with your family often! Family is so important!

    Good luck with the rest of your semester!!

  28. Hey Dhara,
    I really enjoyed getting to know you, even though this is the last week of class. I love coffee as well and so I will need to try to go to your favorite one! This was a great summary of you! Have a great vacation and Christmas! Do well on your finals and finishing up in this class as well.

  29. Hi Dhara!
    It's a little late in the semester, but it's nice to finally meet you. I think your work with OKmom is really admirable. I have a great deal of respect for people who are willing to give of themselves to help others. People like you make the world a better place, and think you will be a wonderful dentist. Good luck on everything that you do in the future!

  30. Hi Dhara!
    It is so cool that you enjoy yoga and find it relaxing. I have only tried it once but I fell asleep, but maybe that has more to do with the fact that I was doing it at 5 am. I love the layout of your blog the colors are so relaxing. Nice to meet you before the semester ends.

  31. Hey, Dhara! I know it is the end of the semester but it is never too late to meet new people, so nice to meet you! I've been through Pryor many times, I am from Hartshorne, OK which is a tiny town southeast of McAlester. Pryor is on the route we used to take back and forth to Michigan. I think it is awesome that you aspire to be a dentist. One of my best friends is a dental assistant and I am pretty sure she has volunteered with her office at OKmom when it was in McAlester a few years ago. I hope you enjoy your winter break!


Famous Last Words: Final Thoughts Fall 2017

Finals; Flickr Wow, I can’t believe its finally finals time! I would like to start off by saying this class has ...