Duck; Wikipedia
I think this was an interesting story. It kind of reminded
me of going to the park with my grandpa and feeding the ducks. However, this
story was a little dark. I think some of the things I can change up is the man
in the story. Instead of making him sound evil, I want him to be nice to the
ducks. I would like for the ducks to always be waiting for him and maybe have
him be someone that grew up going to that same park, and singing to the ducks.
I would like to make this story more relatable to people,
and not so scary. I think it could always be written like a children’s book
where all the characters have their own personality, and talk to the man.
I think this would be really cute, and something fun to
read. My favorite part in this story was the singing part. I would like to
include familiar songs that the old man sings. I think I’ll have fun writing this
story, but it will be a difficult to stick to the original story because the
original story I wasn’t a fun of as much. However, I think I can be creative
with this story. The songs will definitely be my favorite part.
Bibliography: George Bird Grinnell's Blackfeet Indian Stories: The Red-Eyed Duck
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