Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Week 7 Reading Notes: Tibetan Folk Tales (A)

The Tiger and the Frog

I found this story to be quite entertaining from the beginning. It was humorous that the tiger was so easily fooled and frightened by a boastful frog. It goes to show that looks can be deceiving and not everyone is who they seem! Something I didn't fully understand was the part about the tiger and fox tying their tails together...maybe I'm missing the point while reading it or it's meant to be taken figuratively? Regardless, I like the playful nature of this story and hope to implement something similar in my story this week. Maybe instead of using animals in my story, use actual people and see how that turns out. Or I could stick to what seems like a theme in this unit and write with animals as the main focus.

Frog vs. Tiger; UN-Textbook

The Cony Who Got into Bad Company

I liked the writing style of this story the most. The way it opened up with a long, winding sentence really caught my eye and drew me into the story. What was really nice about this story was that it taught a lesson to the reader, a moral if you will. That's something that I feel is difficult but also something that I want to improve upon and try this week!

The Story of the Donkey and the Rock

My favorite story yet! I wasn't expecting this twist at all but I sure did enjoy it. The author gets you to expect one things but something completely different ends up happening. I found the irony in the story to be refreshing and got a nice kick out of it. I noticed again that this story also starts off with a longer-than-usual sentence that helps get the reader's attention. A moment that I found was particularly important was the fact that all those people showed up to watch a ridiculous trial. What were they expecting?!


Tibetan Folk Tales by Albert Shelton 

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